Contaminated Sites Expert
Jason Wilkins has more than 23 years of environmental consulting experience focused on contaminated sites investigation and remediation. His expert knowledge is demonstrated by his Contaminated Sites Approved Professional (CSAP) designation under the Environmental Management Act and Contaminated Sites Regulation. He routinely provides senior technical and regulatory reviews of investigation and remediation projects and provides strategic advice to clients and their representatives in relation to successfully and expeditiously navigating the federal, provincial and municipal permitting and approvals processes. Through his CSAP designation, Jason is afforded the privilege of providing recommendations to the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy on both regulatory and technical applications for legal instruments under the Contaminated Sites Regulation, including contaminated sites determinations, approvals in principle for remediation, certificates of compliance and pre‐approvals and development permit releases. In addition, Jason also provides expert professional opinions for the Supreme Court of British Columbia.