Environmental Assessment Manager
M.Sc., EP
Dennis is a skilled environmental assessment and permitting specialist with a proven track record of over 11 years of professional experience. Dennis’ environmental assessment and management experience ranges widely across various sectors including LNG marine terminal; infrastructure ports and marine terminal; road; rail; tunnel; oil and gas; hydroelectric power; and mining. He also possesses a meticulous and highly organized project management skillset, which he expertly deploys in the management of diverse, multidisciplinary teams for complex capital infrastructure and natural resource projects. With his strong understanding of methods, criteria and technologies involved in environmental planning; environmental assessment and regulatory approval; and preparation of environmental management plans; he has provided environmental and regulatory services to various major resource and infrastructure clients in Western Canada. For his Master’s degree, Dennis focused his graduate research paper on the environmental assessment substitution process under the BC 2002 Environmental Assessment Act and federal Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012 to explore what kind of challenges and opportunities exist within the implemented substituted EA process.